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We are an international food innovation company that believes food should be fresh, safe to eat, free of chemicals, additives & preservatives and be great tasting.

Naturo is Latin for ‘produce naturally’ and stands for our commitment to using only the forces of nature to provide solutions to food related issues.

Below is our story so far for the Natavo™ Avocado invention.

If you are interested in the Milk story, please go to


The biggest frustration for the food industry is how quickly Avocados go brown and the waste involved.

Avocado is a sensitive fruit and the fruit ripeness is critical for consumption but hard to manage in bulk.

Most frozen products on offer use chemicals, preservatives or additives to overcome the browning issue and prolong the shelf life.

However, the taste, structure and original health benefits of the avocado are all compromised during these processes.

We knew there had to be a better and more natural way.


We got to work and developed a patented world-first ‘All Natural’ technology called Natavo™, which solves the issue of avocado browning and is setting a new standard for avocado preservation.

Delivered via the patented Avocado Time Machine, the Natavo™ process effectively switches off the enzyme that causes avocados to go brown.

It’s 100% natural, using only the forces of nature.

This simple but sensational solution solves all the major problems that have been part of the avocado industry’s wish list for decades.


The Avocado Time Machine (nick named the ATM) was created to deliver the Natavo™ technology ... the Natavo™ IQF Avocado Product it produces has:

Zero chemicals, additives, preservatives or processing aides.

No more browning of the avocado flesh, meaning no guess work and reduced waste.

Up to 10 days refrigerated shelf life, even after the packaging is opened.

Great taste & colour, just like fresh and perfectly ripe avocado.

Maximum food safety with a proven kill step, certified by a leading lab.

All of this is achieved without compromising the outstanding health benefits of the avocado fruit, which are fully retained.

As a result of the process, we can offer you a superior frozen avocado product which is perfect for the food industry.


Naturo is extremely pleased to partner with the following manufacturers to produce our 'Natavo' premium range of all natural frozen avocado products.

Blue Skies in South Africa, is a world class manufacturer, renowned for delivering the highest quality, freshest possible fruit.

Blue Skies currently supplies many leading retailers throughout the world and has a network of factories that employs over 5,000 people, not only in South Africa but also in Brazil, Egypt, Ghana and the UK.

Gonzamex Processados in Mexico, are dedicated to the growing and production of Avocados in Mexico and have recently completing a brand new manufacturing facility which is being exclusively used to produce Natavo Natural Avocado.

They believe that quality conquers the world. At Agro Gonzamex they care for the land and their processes, in order to produce the highest quality avocados.


From the humble beginnings of an idea to try and solve an avocado industry problem, to the first of many machines ... the Natavo™ IQF Avocado products are now used in more than 8 countries around the world and growing daily.

Natavo™ natural avocado is enabling businesses around the world to utilise avocado in their menus and product development, overcoming previous issues such as browning, chemicals, labour, waste and seasonality.

If you are interested in being at the forefront of the food industry and trying our world first avocado product, please reach out and talk to us.